Heart & Communication
"Heart" symbolizes Korea's unique culture of "Jeong"
emotional bonds between people - and free volunteer work, both of which BBB Korea is based on.
"Communication" signifies BBB Korea's determination to work towards a world of communication through mutual understanding of language and culture.
BBB is the abbreviation of ‘Before Babel Brigade’It explains the organization's wish to restore the world to the state before the Babel Tower,
during which the human race shared one language and had no problem in communication. BBB Korea is the one and only NGO
of language and culture for a world in which all people can communicate with each other.

The logo of BBB Korea signifies a tree made of ㅅ(the first consonant of the Korean word 소통 which means 'communication').
It represents a healthy society that grows up through communication among its members.
Every branches of the tree, although each of them seems to grow in a different direction, are in harmony and shows an organic beauty.
Its attractive orange color shows BBB's bright and enterprising vision. It also represents a wish that BBB's activities become the foundation of a healthy and beautiful society.
bbb 독일어·이탈리아어·포르투갈어 봉사자 간담회 (12.21)
2016 bbb 봉사자 연례포상 시상식 (12.14)
'bbb 봉사자' 앱 - 스마트앱어워드 2016 맞춤형서비스분야 '최우수상' 수상 (12.08)
'자카르타 KT&G 상상스쿨 한국어말하기 대회' 개최 (12.10)
2016 bbb 프로보노 10주년 기념 홈커밍 데이 (12.03)
향기로운 이야기와 따뜻한 커피가 함께한 bbb 봉사자 모임 (11.29, 12.01)
bbb 아랍어 봉사자 간담회 (11.24)
bbb 말레이시아·인도네시아어 봉사자 간담회 (11.23)
한-베 문화교류행사 및 한글날 기념 제 3회 글짓기 대회 (10.21~22)
2016 bbb 봉사자 워크숍 '만나서 반갑습니다' (10.29~30, 양평 현대블룸비스타)
제 7회 인천공항 bbb-day 캠페인 및 기념식 (08.10, 인천공항 밀레니엄홀)
경주시 업무협약 체결 (07.05)
2018 평창동계올림픽·동계패럴림픽대회 단체 자원봉사 협력 체결(06.30)
bbb 봉사자 간담회 'bbb 만나요(만들고 나누어요) 특집' (06.15~16)
제 9회 bbb International Friends Day 'bbb Wonderful Day' (04.30, 과천 서울대공원)
bbb 새내기 봉사자 모임 (04.21)
'자카르타 KT&G 상상스쿨' 현판식 (03.18)
2016 첫번째 봉사자 행사 '별 헤는 밤: 영화 <동주> 상영 & 이준익 감독과의 대화' (03.28, 충무로 대한극장)